Carrefour jeunesse-emploi de Sherbrooke

The CJE offers a dynamic, stimulating and innovative environment in tune with the needs of youth ages 16 to 35. Our full range of available services are designed to help youth reach their full potential.

Our services

Adapted to suit the needs of youth ages 16 to 35.

for a job?

Activities at the CJE

Calendar of Activities

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W Wed

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F Fri

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S Sun

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Youth testimonials

Thanks to the services offered by the CJE, I was able to establish routine in my life and properly prioritize. I’ve rediscovered my self-confidence and can now proudly say that I am accomplishing the goals I set for myself.


The workshops they offered really helped me to discover several aspects of my personality and how to put them to use in my professional life. Thanks to everything I learned with the CJE, I successfully completed my DEP in hairdressing and easily found a job after the course.


For me, the organization’s help was invaluable. As a new arrival to Quebec, the services at the CJE helped me to quickly find a job and gain a general idea of what jobs are available in Estrie.


Services areas

The CJE offers services to the entire City of Sherbrooke MRC.

Rock Forest – Saint-Élie – Deauville –
Brompton – Fleurimont – Lennoxville –
Jacques-Cartier – Mont-Bellevue