A collaboration between the Centre St-Michel and the CJE that offers support to youth ages 16 to 35 who are current students or have left secondary school before completion. It is designed to help those having difficulties staying in school or with their professional integration. The Comme une école program gives young people an opportunity to continue their studies at their own pace and in an environment that suits their needs. The teacher provided will spend four half-days per week supporting the individual’s academic success. In addition, a facilitator from the CJE will offer psychosocial support.
In addition to a positive experience, the Comme une école program provides:
- An opportunity for youth to continue their academic careers when their situations don’t easily allow for pursuing adult education;
- Offers a welcoming, stimulating and personalized environment in a location suitable for small groups (6 to 8 students);
- Helps youth discover services that fit their needs.
Comme une école‘s customized learning program is a service adapted and suited to the needs of youth, providing an alternative way for them to learn and reach their academic goals.